Tuesday, September 23, 2008

About Hyperhidrosis

So what is Hyperhidrosis?
Well, this term came to life just a few years ago, it's a fancy way of saying, that I sweat too much! I, myself, have a huge sweating problem. I have made a lot of research to find ways to stop this very inconvenient but not harmful issue.

Hyperhidrosis is in other words, a condition that is interpreted by perspiring excessively at a normal body temperature. Basically, excessive sweating.

There are several touched areas that are more specified, such as:
  • Palmar: excessive sweating of the hands.
  • Axillary: excessive sweating of the armpits.
  • Plantar: excessive sweating of the feet.
  • Facial: excessive sweating of the face.
  • Cranial: excessive sweating of the head, more around the hairline.
  • General: Overall excessive sweating.
Are you part of the many people that are afflicted by any of these mentioned areas? Maybe you are one of those that have all these areas affected? Well, if you said yes to any of these questions, I definitely feel the pain you are going through, since I am affected by all of the above. People who do not have this problem, never will understand what we go through, so we have to find ways to help ourselves.

Yes I too walk around with my arms down all the time because I am paranoid that people around me may notice the huge sweat stains dripping down on the sides of my body.

Why do we sweat so much?

Since the time humans have existed, this issue has been known, yet til this day, no one has found the real reason why we over-sweat. One speculation is that it is a overactive sympathetic nervous system, although many other factors can be a cause of your sweating, such as some kind of unusual brain function. Moreover, the most common element that seems to be frequently said amongst people, is anxiety.

I agree with this theory, anxiety does usually make me sweat, then it gets worse because you realize you are sweating which therefore, causes you even more tension. Guess what this does? Yup, more wetness to endure!

Treatments you ask?

Yes, we have come to the good part. This whole blog will be dedicated to the many treatments we can have to HELP our hyperhidrosis obstacle. Remember that this problem is not totally curable, but can be maintained with a lot of attention to detail.

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